Going on shopping can be very tiring and stressful if you go unprepared and also if you're a disorganized type of person it could result or "end in tears" as we often say. Shopping is meant to a pleasant experience — free from stress and what have you. This is one of my unconventional articles but I'm sure you're gonna enjoy it.

I remember as a child I always look forward to following my mum to the market also because I schooled in a boarding school, it was always required of me and my sisters to make a list of things we needed for every session a list that was always requested by my parents. This idea kind of made me realize everything needed strategic planning. For every successful shopping begins from planning strategically.

So my tips to a successful shopping experience goes thus;

Tip 1. Create a shopping list : 

This tip can't be overemphasized this is very important. You wouldn't want to go into a mall or the local market not knowing exactly what you want to buy. This guides against buying irrelevant things and also keeps you focused throughout the shopping session.

Tip 2. Choose priority and alternative forgone items: 

You clearly know things that you need and those you don't. So make a list of what you are in dire need of and separate from the things you don't really need.

Tip 3. Take your kids along: 

This is an avenue to engage them in things that matter. You may not know but you're indirectly and unconsciously teaching them on how to purchase and most importantly be independent. 

Tip 4. Buy seasonally:

 We often have seasonal produce in the local grocery store. It's expected and required or you to plan and buy food in season. You observe it is very cheaper that way. 

Tip 5. Decide whether to withdrawal or use your card: 

If you stay in an area where you clearly know the shopping mall usually have issues using cards then please, withdrawal before deciding to shop. You really don't want to go there and become stranded just because POS isn't working or might malfunction.

Tip 6. Check for the expiry date: 

This is very important as the quality of product is determined by how timely it is consumed. Anything beyond the time slated for consumption it may have adverse effect on ones health. It important you check expiry date as you shop.

Tip 7. Explore new brands: 

Personally, i feel skeptical about this tip because it's either you try a new brand and you like or don't like it. But key things to look out for are: packaging, products component and content. There's absolutely no problem in exploring.

Tip 8. Separate food items from other household items:  

Usually, the store attendant will separate these items but in case, ensure you don't mix them up. This is to prevent any form of contamination.

Tip 9. Make use of coupon codes:
Never underestimate the need to get a coupon code for any purchase you want to do. If you follow influencers online, A-list artiste, celebrities etc. many of them get to have coupon code usually given to them by major brand/organization. Having or making use of a coupon code will make the brand give a discount on every purchase you make.

So as you go for shopping look out for any spoilage of the items you're buying and also buy what you can afford (i.e cut your cloth according to your size). I wish you all a wonderful, pleasant and most importantly successful shopping experience.

Writen by: Temitopedancer 


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